Basingstoke Soccer Awareness S.O.D.C. Update 34 2017/2018 Season
Hi All,
Hope your well and all had a great half term.
Our block 6 sessions all start this Friday 8th June 2018.
Please see below venue information, parking situation and timings for each age group.
If your child/children are unable to train please can I ask that you email me to advise:
Many thanks
Best Wishes
Kind Regards
Parking Instructions – Thank you for your co-operation re the below.
Parking is very restricted at The Peter Houseman Recreation Ground.
We need everyone please to double park and as far back towards the hedges as possible.
The road into the ground is a singular road and the last thing we want is for a serious accident to occur so it’s vitally important these guidelines are followed by all please.
We will need everyone to leave briskly and safely as soon as the your sessions are finished.
The 6.15pm til 7.30pm and the 7.45pm til 9pm groups coming in it’s absolutely crucial please you don’t begin to arrive until 5 minutes before the start of your sessions, there will be no where for you to park and you will just cause congestion and block the way for those trying to leave.
We need to continue to use The Peter Houseman Recreation Ground and it’s so important please that we do not cause congestion and complaints for/from the locals.
Friday 8th June 2018 (ON GRASS)
The Peter Houseman Recreation Ground, Rectory Road, Oakley, Basingstoke. RG23 7 L J
5pm til 6pm for the U6, U7, U8’s and Goalkeepers
6.15pm til 7.30pm for the U9, U10, U11, U12 and Goalkeepers
7.45pm til 9pm for the Development Group, U13, U14/U15 and Goalkeepers