Futsal 2022 2023 Registration Form

Basingstoke SA SODC FUTSAL 2022 2023 Registration
If none please put N/A
If my child has an accident, then they will be treated by a qualified first aider and I will be informed of the situation as soon as possible. If there is a situation where my child needs urgent medical treatment and I am unavailable I give permission for a member of staff from the Basingstoke School Of Development Centre Youth FC to sign any consent forms necessary for treatment on my behalf, if the delay in getting my signature is considered by the doctor to endanger my child’s health and safety.
I give my permission and consent for my child to take part in contact football training sessions and matches for the Basingstoke School Of Development Centre Youth FC for the duration of the year 2022/2023 season.
The Basingstoke School Of Development Centre Youth FC BOOKING TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. Training fees will be £5 per child per session for all sessions at Wynter Road and Bitterne Park Secondary School. 2. All course fees must be paid in advance and are non-refundable. 3. The Basingstoke School Of Development Centre Youth FC reserves the right to terminate or suspend the membership of any player if any payment is not received by the scheduled payment date listed in the induction information pack. Any late payment made without prior authorisation will incur a £5 admin charge. 4. I agree to setting up payments via our class for kids platform to cover the costs of block sessions. 5. I understand that my child/children will not be able to attend training if I have not paid for that block of sessions in advance of the deadline payments laid out in the Payment Details document and until payment is then made in full. 6. There will be no reduction of fees or any refund of fees if the player misses one or more training sessions for any reason unless side lined by a serious long term injury/illness and this will then be at the discretion of the Basingstoke School Of Development Centre Youth FC dates and training schedule are available on the class for kids platform. 7. Cancellation – The Basingstoke School Of Development Centre Youth FC reserves the right to cancel or postpone any session for any reason. In the event of which an alternative session will be offered. 8. Notice to leave - I agree to give at least 6 weeks advance notice in writing to the Basingstoke School Of Development Centre Youth FC if my child/children wishes to leave the programme. I agree to pay for any sessions in full that take place as part of my notice period. 9. I understand that should my child/children leave the Basingstoke School Of Development Centre Youth FC whether by choice or by being released I understand I will need to return any Basingstoke School Of Development Centre Youth FC kit issued, induction pack and pay any outstanding fees. 10. The Basingstoke School Of Development Centre Youth FC reserves the right to alter the dates of the training sessions or games set out in the training and game schedule included, with adequate prior warning being given to parents/carers. 11. I agree to inform the Basingstoke School Of Development Centre Youth FC in advance via text or the following email address if my child/children is not able to attend any training sessions: basingstokesodc@gmail.com 12. If your child/children are selected to play in any fixtures/tournaments for the Basingstoke School Of Development Centre Youth FC it’s then compulsory to purchase a Basingstoke School Of Development Centre Youth FC kit which must then be worn. 13. The following items are not included in the weekly training fees and payment for them shall be the sole responsibility of the parent/carer: •Costs and expenses associated with competing in any fixtures/tournaments. This includes the cost of kit, playing, travel, accommodation, insurance, food and drink and any social events. 14. The Basingstoke School Of Development Centre Youth FC reserves the right to immediately terminate or suspend all services if any player acts in a manner that the Basingstoke School Of Development Centre Youth FC at its sole discretion, considered damaging to the interests of the Basingstoke School Of Development Centre Youth FC its staff, players or sponsors. 15. We cannot and will not guarantee any player a certain number of matches or tournaments during the course of the season. Our programme is all about the quality coaching and innovative sessions we provide for your child/children. 16. The Basingstoke School Of Development Centre Youth FC accepts no responsibility for any loss of money, clothing or personal items or other valuables. It is the sole responsibility of player/parents/carers to safeguard the above during all training sessions and any matches. 17. All Basingstoke School Of Development Centre Youth FC coaches are approved and police checked through the criminal records bureau (DBS). 18. On occasions, the Basingstoke School Of Development Centre Youth FC or their representatives may take photographs/filming's for promotional purposes only. 19. I agree to receiving texts and/or emails regarding the Basingstoke School Of Development Centre Youth FC via Learning Through Sport Limited sessions and clubs. If not please email learningthroughsport@ntlworld.com to be removed. 20. The details provided on this booking form will be held on file for the Basingstoke School Of Development Centre Youth FC administration purposes only.
I agree to abide by The FA Code of Conducts emailed to me.